Wednesday, January 14, 2009

She's Leavin' on a Jet Plane...

Geesh, this working mom thing is a lot of work! I have gotten up at 5:45-6:00 a.m. for the last 2 days. Today I've showered (2 days in a row mind you), gotten the girls up, dressed, fed, packed up, into the car, and off to the babysitter by 7:15, gone to work, picked the girls up from the babysitter, gotten home, went to the store, started a load of laundry, packed Lauren up, made dinner, went to Lauren's gymnastic performance, dropped the family off at home, loaded Lauren's bag into the car, drove her over to my uncles, and finally got home by 9:00 p.m. Believe me when I tell you, I was a total crab ass today. But...... when I got home I checked my email and low and behold we have a SNOW DAY TOMORROW!!! Now, being that I am a part-time employee I don't get paid for the day. That's the bad news. The good news, we have a SNOW DAY! When I say we, since the little girls are in the same school district that I am, they have a SNOW DAY as well. Looks like the showering streak will be broken. Fine with me, I'm saving on water, right? Since I won't have work to distract me, that means that I will be a total nervous wreck the whole day. If you truly know me, you know that I am TERRIFIED to fly. I have really tried not to pass that on to my girls. Lauren will be flying out to go skiing in Colorado with my uncle tomorrow. I'm terrified to fly but I'm even MORE terrified when my family members fly without me. Uncle Bruce has been taking Lauren to Colorado for the last 4 years. She is truly one of the luckiest kids that I know. I SOOOOO appreciate him for giving her great experiences that we most likely never would. FYI, a bunch of us girls took a trip out to Colorado when my friend Jenni was living there. Had a great vacation until some little shit of a kid cut me off as I was flying down a mountain in Keystone, CO and I wiped out. I mean I REALLY wiped out. Busted up my knee pretty bad and haven't been on skis again. So anyway, once I hear that they have arrived safe and sound, it'll be a less stressful day, that is until I start stressing out about avalanches!! O.K., thanks for letting me babble.


Jen said...

Ugh! I'm tired just reading about your day! It sounds really full and busy. Lauren is lucky to have a great uncle and experience, I'm sure she'll have a fantastic time!

Susan said...

I know that you won't believe me, but flying is a piece of cake! Lauren will be fine! It's too bad that you had such a bad experience skiing...Keystone is my favorite place to ski.

You should consider going there sometime in the is absolutely gorgeous! That is now my favorite time to hang out there.

Relax, enjoy your snow day, and relax some more!