Sunday, April 5, 2009

What's That You Say?

You know the say the darndest things? Well, mine really say funny things. I should have been writing these down for years because I know that I've let 100's of them go by. Alli cracks me up. Some of my "favorites" by her include the use of "wesmarrow"...that's a combination of "westerday" and "tomorrow", then there's the often used "bwankie" for blankie, and one of my favorites...."goed", oh and that is go-ed. She REALLY cracked me up today when she wanted a treat. Now, I guess I should preface this by telling you that Dan is the treat maker. It kind of drives me nuts because the girls think that they should get a treat every night. I just don't think that it is good practice to indulge the girls in treats after dinner every night. Anyway, Alli comes up to me and says..." Mommy, I'm going to go down-the-stairs (that's another one of her sayings) and ask daddy to make us a treat. You can't make treats because only daddy's make treats and you're not a daddy." Isn't that hilarious? I'm laughing just thinking about her little voice saying it!! I think the real reason why she had to ask Dan is because she already knew the mom's answer!!