Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Your nose is growing!

Tonight at dinner, Alli was having a fit because "someone" drew all over her picture. Of course, the only other little person in the house that is learning about the letter "H" was sitting across from me. "Brooke, did draw all over Alli's picture", I asked. "No, I didn't" was her answer. "Brooke, your nose is growing because you are telling me a lie." After a quick feel she replies, "No, it's not". Of course, I kept up with it because I wasn't going to let her off that easy. I went on to say, "Brooke, your nose is going to be as big as Pinnochio's if you keep it up." Now she's mad and her reply was, "it is not going to get that big"! Ha, caught. Score one for the mom! Just to get her good and angry I said, "look, it's getting bigger as we speak. In order for it to stop, you have to tell the truth". "Fine, fine, I drew on it", she fesses up. I can only hope that the Pinnochio works well into my daughter's 30's. On a different note, Lauren is covered from head to toe in chicken pox...gross! The doctor says that the vaccination has a 5% failure rate. I should have guessed that at least one of my girls would fall into that 5%!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy, Happy Birthday Alli and Brooke!

Six years ago today, I only had one daughter. I put her on the bus to go to kindergarten and little did I know that by the time she got home she would be a big sister. I went for my normal weekly doctor's appointment. The doc "checked" me and nothing was going on. She told me that my c-section was scheduled for 2 weeks later. I went on my merry way to the hospital for my bi-weekly NST. As I sat there, I felt different. Not crampy, not contraction-like, just different. I told the nurse that something was up a couple of times and each time she looked at that looong tape and said, "nope, nothing is going on. No contractions, no nothing." By the fourth or fifth time of me telling her that something was up, I think she was just over it. She told me that she would ask the doctor in the office to "check" it out. 5 minutes later, I was in a wheel chair, being wheeled off to L & D. In one hour, I went from a 0 to a 6. I knew something was going on. I called Dan (his phone was dead) and then called my mom. Since I had her car (our other one was in the shop), she called my sis-in-law to drop her off at the hospital. I had to call my friend to ask her to find Dan's shop number (no 411 in the hospital). My doctor showed up, we waited, and waited, and waited for Dan to get there and 20 minutes later we were parents to two more gorgeous girls. Our little 5 pounders were as healthy as horses and I was elated! Looking back, I wish that I could have given my only child one last only child hug and tell her that she was going to be a great big sister, but what did I know?So much has changed these last 6 years. Lauren is in middle school, she babysits, and has a cell phone. Alli and Brooke are in kindergarten and are both missing teeth, and have just started riding two-wheelers. Geesh, time sure does fly by when you are having fun. Happy 6th birthday girls...here's to the rest of your lives!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Jim!

Here is that great picture that I talked about in a previous post. I love it. Sending Happy Birthday's up to heaven!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

One of Many Firsts

I haven't updated this blog in quite awhile. I feel guilty for not having Jim's picture be first thing that comes up but I can't stay away. I have been feeling really crappy and sad lately. I think it is because it is getting close to Jim's birthday, the first one that he won't be here to celebrate. It took me years to figure out that his birthday is 10-4. Duh, 10-4 good buddy!! I will never forget that day. The girls' birthday is on the 7th. They will be 6...6 I can't believe it! The week after Jim passed away Alli came up to me and said.."Oh Mommy, this is terrivle" (terrivle...she cracks me up). "What's terrivle" I asked her. "Well, our birthday is after Grampie's and now Grampie will never have another birthday, so will our birthday ever come"? Isn't that cute? It is so cute and so sad at the same time. One of my favorite pictures is hanging on my fridge. It's a picture from last year of Grampie and the twins in front of their birthday cake. The three of them look so happy together. I would have never imagined it would be their last birthday picture that they would take together. I stare at that picture and just look at it. I look at it and can't believe that he is not here. He looks healthy, he always looked healthy and I get so sad and mad. I can't decide to leave it up or take it down. There is this stupid country song that I hear lately and it gets me so depressed. I have to learn to turn it off because I can't stand to feel this way. So, here we go. In a couple of days it will be the first birthday without Jim. One of my friends asked how my mom has been feeling with this day approaching and I honestly don't know. I haven't asked her. I don't want to bring it up, I don't want her to have to talk about the obvious. I'm going to try and scan the picture into the blog so everyone can see the happiness for themselves. I think that after I scan it, I'll put it back on the fridge!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jim Daly...the best stepdad and Grampie that ever lived

On June 3rd, my stepfather, Jim Daly very unexpectedly passed away. Jim was the best stepfather and Grampie any family could ask for. I gave the eulogy at church and many people have asked for a copy of it. They have said that they would like to re-read it and thought that I should have a copy for myself. I frequently have computer problems and thought that this would be a safe place for it just in case all of my files go caput! Here it is.

On behalf if my mother and Jim's family, we want to thank you for coming to celebrate Jim's life.

Jimmy, James, Jim, Uncle Jim, and Jimbo were some of the names that he went by, but the name he was most proud of was Grampie.

People have said some wonderful things about Jim these past few days. Here are some things that I have heard:
- he could talk to anybody (and he did)
-he was always smiling
-he was so much fun
-he was the nicest guy
-that man sure could play bags
-he never talked mean about a person, he simply spoke the truth
-Jim was a fine man, he will be missed

You know, Jim was the type of guy that
-Jim was the type if guy who was always willing to help. Not only because he wanted to help, but because he also wanted to supervise the project.
-he'd give you the shirt off of his back, and he'd always be there with a couple of McDonald's cheeseburgers or a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee.
-if you ever needed a pile of wood moved or burned, Jim was your guy.
-if you ever needed a four ton bed moved, give Jim a call and he'd be there to help.
-Jim was a great story teller. He could tell and retell and retell a story with such detail. If you've ever heard the words Army, Ft. Riley, the Board of Education, Mr. Mulvihill, Jack Griffin, Jimmy and Bobby Boyce, Wisconsin fishing, a gas powered bike, and Corny Morgan...you know what I'm talking about.

Gene, Joan, Pat, and Maureen, he always spoke highly of you, and he truly loved you.

Jim was never married before my mom and it just goes to show you how much he loved her. He not only married her, but he also inherited my brother and I. Any man that willing opens his bachelor pad to not only a woman but also to her two teenagers must have surely been crazy or crazy in love. I think he was crazy in love.

Jim and I didn't have a close relationship back in those days. He kind of just co-existed. When we passed each other in the house, we'd say hello but that was really it. I was so impressed with Jim when my own father passed away 12 years ago. He was at the wake with us the whole time, went to the funeral and was our rock. I think it was then when I realized how much he loved my brother and I. Our whole relationship changes when Lauren was born. Lauren was the light of his eye. He'd pick her up from daycare, take her out to lunch, and bring her to the park. Lauren, remember when he took you to the golf course for lunch and he was reading the paper when suddenly the fire alarm went off? Remember what his face looked like when he realized that it was YOU that pulled that alarm? He continued to take you out to lunch but you guys never went back to that golf course....hmmmm!

When Dan and I got married I asked Jim to walk me down the aisle. He had the biggest smile on his face, hugged me, and said "absolutely". Thank God for Jim, that is what I've always said.

The love that he had for his grandchildren was amazing. He was born to be a grandfather. The kids had great names for him. Before he was officially "Grampie", he was "Crappy", "Burpee" and "Pee Pee". Can you imagine waiting your whole life to become a grandfather and when you do, you are being called Crappy, Burpee, and PeePee? He didn't care. Jim had his grandchildren and that is all he cared about. Lauren, you were his first grandchild and he loved you with every ounce of his soul. Tommy, he loved spending your Communion Day with you and he loved to watch you play baseball. Jack, Alli, and Brooke, he loved to hand out dollars to you guys, and to watch you run around the lake. And he absolutely loved to drive you five around on the boat.

Scott, you always had a way of calming Jim down or bringing him up. Isn't it amazing what a couple of bottles of Miller Lite can do? You and Jim had a very special bond and relationship. I don't think that mom could have picked a better stepfather for us.

Kate, I will so much you and Jim dancing a reel or a jig. You two certainly could move around a dance floor. Cherish those memories, those are memories that none of us could duplicate.

Dan, Jim loved to talk to you about the military and World War II movies over gallons and gallons of coffee. He loved you more than a son-in-law, he loved you like a son.

Jim had some great friends. Pete and Ron were his best pals. Pete, he loved to help you hang drywall, move furniture, and help you out in the yard. Ron, there is something to be said for your friendship. Not many people have a best friend that differs in age of about 30 years. He could always count on you to start and finish a project with him.

Loretta Dreznes said it best when she wrote to my mom this week and said ... Jim Daly one half of the best examples of a happy marriage. Mom, Jim loved you so much. He'd make sure you were covered at night, made sure your car was running correctly, and always made sure that there was fresh tonic in the house. The trips up to Timmy's cabin, down to Florida, out to Uncle Darrell's dirt, out to San Diego, over to Flint Lake, those are the memories you have to hold on to. You loved to dance with Jim, and someday you two will dance again. Just make sure that it isn't to soon.

We all have different memories of Jim. He was a great guys and he is now looking down on all of us. I came across a short poem that I think embodies Jim's friendship and love for life. Please listen to this carefully because we can all benefit from these three lines:

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me, and be my friend.

God bless you Jim. I love you and you will surely be missed.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's official, I got my job back. For a time it was that I would have an ELL position, but my current job (Lit/L.A.) job opened back up. My current job is more work than the other but I LOVE it and all year I have been preparing for next year. Lauren will be coming to my school, but I won't have her in any of my classes. She got placed in Advanced Lit, L.A. (way to go Lo)! In celebration of my re-hire I went to a warehouse book sale and got some great books for a low price..score! Now I'm in the market for a bookcase. I really would like a tall white one that I can decorate with some funky colors. I want to set up a reading area in my classroom complete with a funky shag (lime green) carpet and some bean bags. So, there is only 8 more full days and an hour. I did sign up for this great English as a second language training that starts the week after we get out of school, but I do get paid for it (score again)! I'm doing a happy dance here.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Almost there...Hopefully

So, I had a job offer in a great district earlier in the week. I really couldn't believe that they picked me! It's good to be wanted. But...I turned it down. Why, you ask? Well, one big reason. There is a 99% chance that I will be re-hired in my current district. Different position, possibly different school, but same district none-the-less. I decided to roll the dice and turn the offer down and hope for the best. I asked the Supt. of my current district if my current position opened up if I could keep it. I love the school, the staff, the location, the hours, and Lauren will be going there next year. Her answer didn't sound like I could get my current job back. I chalked it up to there are a million people in Illinois that can legally teach middle school Lit., but not so many that can teach ELL (where I thought I would be placed). Well....today the Supt. called me today and asked what position I'd like more (Lit., current school or ELL). I didn't even have to take a breath, I want to stay where I am. So....it sounds as if there may be 2 possible job openings that I can take. Isn't that great? I went from no job opportunities to three in a week! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I know that things can always go crazy. It's good to be wanted..let's hope everything works out!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cat's Eyes!

I had to throw this picture on here because I think it is hilarious! The girls know how to take pictures on my computer. Sometimes when I open it, I find random pictures that were just taken. I think this is the craziest picture I've seen in a long time. Do you think that the cat liked getting his picture taken?

Saturday, April 24, 2010


It's been three weeks and I am now used to the "ding" of test messages alert from Lauren's phone. She is only down $7 for her bill but I am confident that she will get the other seven by next week... I hear Dan has some mulching in his future and is looking for a helper!! I went on an interview this past week in a district not to far from home. I have a second interview this coming week. Funny thing is that I may not need it. I am about 90% sure that I will have a position in my current district but will talk about that when it is official. I don't want to jinx it. We have been SUPER bust with softball and I love it. It fills my heart to see Lauren excel and love something that was so important to me growing up. We were at her practice the other night and she was pitching to her coach. Her coach was having a hard time hitting off of her so I thought I'd give it a whirl. So, I get out of my chair, put my latte down, and throw a helmet on. Hey, I'm no dummy, it would be a perfect opportunity for Lauren to throw one at me and ...ooops...miss! I have to tell you that Lauren can pitch! She's pretty fast for an eleven year old. But, have no fear, I still got it! Look out if we ever find a mother/daughter team to play on. Until next time...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Great Cell Phone Debate

April 2, 2010 is a day that will live in infamy. This is the date when Lauren got her first cell phone. She has been asking for one since she was eight. At eight I told her that we'd talk about it when she turned ten. On her tenth birthday she asked to talk about it. We talked and it was a very short conversation. The conversation kind of went like this... Lauren: I'm ten now, so can I get a cell phone? Me: No! That was it. She still wasn't ready for one. Where is a ten year old going to go that she would need one? Well, fast forward one year and 3 months. She's been going to the park alot. It is the neighborhood hangout for fifth graders. She always asks to bring the twins....uh, alright! Well, I ran into a situation that I was going somewhere and I wanted her to bring my phone, just in case. Well, if I gave her my cell phone, then what was she going to call me on? After all, I wasn't going to be home. Anyway, Dan was NOT happy that she went to the park and I was out. So, We did a little research, went to the store, signed some papers and off we went. I wish that I had a video camera..rats, there's one on her phone, because she was SHAKING with excitement. It was kind of scary to tell you the truth. So, now Lauren is looking for some babysitting jobs because she has to come up with $40 a month to pay her bill. That was the deal and I'm sticking to it. No pay, no phone. Luckily one of my friend's is happy to hire her at least once a month to pay for it. So, if anyone is looking for a babysitter, I know a cheap one! So there you have it, my eleven year old won the great cell phone debate! Now, I need a better phone because the eleven year old has a way better one than I do.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This RIF is a RUINER!

So my awesome job that I thought I would never in a million years get will be coming to an end in June. Seeing is how the state of Illinois can't pay their debts to their school districts 12,400 teachers will be or have been let go, myself included! I am so pissed about this. This job is awesome, and awesomly close to home. Lauren will be going to my school next year and she told me that she was looking forward to going to the same school where I work. I took a sick day today to get some things in order. I put together all of my paperwork to send to the state to get my ELL certification put on my teaching certificate, updated my resume and cover letter, and searched the school districts that are in my semi-area. I found eight school districts that have openings that I qualify for and will be sitting at my computer for a countless number of hours getting all of my information uploaded to them. After those districts, I'm going to get my application in to other districts that don't have any openings listed just in case something does open up. I HATE this part. I feel like I just did all of this. I did, last March. I can only hope and pray that Dan gets back to work soon. For crying out loud, it's been 13 months and our family and relationship has taken a major hit because of it. I can't help but feel like we're such losers. Come June both of us will be sitting on unemployment and God only knows how much longer Dan will be able to collect. I keep trying to see the light at the end of this tunnel. The only thing that I can come up with is that if I don't get another job (I'm pretty sure I won't...remember that 12,400 number?) the only thing that I can see is that at least I won't miss Alli and Brooke's first day of kindergarten. I keep thinking that it is time to make a career change, but what it would be I don't know. I look back on my life and think about my decisions. The only decision that I can honestly say that I regret is that I went into teaching. I should have been a speech pathologist or x-ray technician, there seems to be a lot of those jobs out there. So, for now, I can only sit at this stupid computer and hope that something works out. That or the state wins the lottery or something. Whatever happened to all of the money that the state was supposed to get from the lottery anyway? Damn Illinois!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our cat might be on to something!

Our cat loves to run outside. I swear he knows when we get visitors that it's a free pass to get out. Funny thing is, he never comes back when we try to get him. If you need a laugh, come over to our house when we're trying to get him back into the house. Of course his favorite time to get out is when we are going somewhere for a couple of days. Our next door neighbors just call him and he runs right to them. Our neighbors think that we are the worst pet owners in the hood. But, today a came across a picture. This isn't our cat, but it's our cat's twin. The girls think that it is, in fact, Kitty. I now know where our cat goes for days at a time. He is a cat after my own heart!