Friday, May 7, 2010

Almost there...Hopefully

So, I had a job offer in a great district earlier in the week. I really couldn't believe that they picked me! It's good to be wanted. But...I turned it down. Why, you ask? Well, one big reason. There is a 99% chance that I will be re-hired in my current district. Different position, possibly different school, but same district none-the-less. I decided to roll the dice and turn the offer down and hope for the best. I asked the Supt. of my current district if my current position opened up if I could keep it. I love the school, the staff, the location, the hours, and Lauren will be going there next year. Her answer didn't sound like I could get my current job back. I chalked it up to there are a million people in Illinois that can legally teach middle school Lit., but not so many that can teach ELL (where I thought I would be placed). the Supt. called me today and asked what position I'd like more (Lit., current school or ELL). I didn't even have to take a breath, I want to stay where I am. sounds as if there may be 2 possible job openings that I can take. Isn't that great? I went from no job opportunities to three in a week! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I know that things can always go crazy. It's good to be wanted..let's hope everything works out!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Woo hoo! That is GREAT news for you. I guess it just goes to show...when it rains, it pours.