Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thank Heaven for Little Girls.....and Moms

Well, we're not so little anymore but now is the time that we can really have fun with our moms. This past weekend, 5 not so little girls and their moms headed east to Valparasio, IN to spend the night at my mom's lake house. A good time was had by all. We ate, drank, played cards, Charades, Pictionary, Catch Phrase, and ate and drank some more. We did take a field trip down the road to Roadhouse, a local establishment. Usually there are no less than 2o motorcycles parked in the gravel lot, but not last night. We hung out and played some darts while we were there. We love hanging out with our moms and were so happy that our evening came together and was a success. We're already talking about our next get together. Mom, thanks for having us all out. I love you !!


Susan said...

What a great idea!!! A lot of my friends' Moms have already passed. I wish we had done something like this...

Jen said...

welcome to the blogging world!!