Thursday, November 13, 2008

Houston, we have a ...guest author!

L is so exited about this that she wanted to write her own entry. Enjoy!

Today was so much fun. I went to the Adler Planetarium! I did a bunch of diffrent things. I saw a space movie and saw how people found out what space was, where it was, and how it formed. I also saw a little place where this man's house had a crater go threw his roof and floor. Right next to the story was the crater that hit his house !! Look at the picture of the crater. When we left, I was sad but I was happy that I learned about our solor system. The last thing that I want to tell you is that I got alot of cool pictures. I got a picture of the earth , the Milky Way and much more. Thats what I did at the Adler Planetarium.

1 comment:

Susan said...

What a great adventure that was! The next time I am in Chicago, I will have to try and make time to go to there!