Monday, August 3, 2009

Technologically Challenged!

O.K. so here's the deal. My computer was dead, got that fixed. Plugged it in in hopes that I could get back to posting but guess what...the monitor didn't work. Waited to get a new monitor but that took forever. Got the new monitor, hooked it up, installed the new printer and viola!! Since I like to post pictures in the blog, I took the camera wherever I went. Guess what, the damn thing was broke. That's o.k., I have a backup digital...guess wasn't working either. Damn the technology (or should I say, damn those twins)! So now, a whole summer has pretty much gone by and I have minimal pictures to prove it. UGH!! So here's the skinny. We've spent a bunch of days at the lake. We've spent a couple weekends in Michigan. We have spent countless numbers of hours at the softball field, and I have spent an infinite number of minutes cleaning the house. I am hoping that a new digital camera will fall from the sky and land in my pretty little hands. Until then, enjoy your last days of summer before the kiddos go back to school. Did I mention that I have a full time teaching gig? Yay me!

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